
  • How to Create a Human Image: 5 Things You Need to Know When Using Generative AI
    카테고리 없음 2023. 11. 29. 09:49

    In the age of artificial intelligence, the power to create stunningly lifelike human portraits is not just in the hands of skilled artists but also at the fingertips of anyone wielding generative AI technology. This revolutionary tool can generate images from textual descriptions, turning your imagination into visual art. Whether you're a creative professional looking to design characters, a marketer aiming for personalized visuals, or simply someone keen on exploring the bounds of AI-assisted creativity, mastering the craft of creating human images with AI is an exciting skill to develop.


    Understandign how to communicate with this AI technology is crucial to achieving the results you want. Just as a painter needs to know their brushes and colors, you must learn the lauguage of prompts that AI understands. Here, we'll explore five essential tips for crafting effective promps that bring your AI-generated portraits to life, supplemented with three illustrative examples to inspire your journey. By the end of this exploration, you'll be equipped to create compelling human images with a blend of linguistic precision and creative vision.

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    The 5 Essential Tips for Crafting AI-Generated Portraits

    1. Be Specific with Details:
      Your AI is like a meticulous artist- thriving on detailed descriptions. If you envision a portrait with piercing blue eyes and a mischievous smirk, say so. Every detail you provide shapes the final image.
    2. Define the Subject's Appearance:
      From skin tone to the curl of the hair, the way you describe your subject will dictate the AI's creation. Be mindful of the diversity and characteristics you wish to mebody in your portrait.
    3. Set the Scene Thoughtfully:
      The environment can tell a stroy. Wether your subject is basking in the golden hour glow or caught in a neon-li downpour, your scene setting will infuse life into the image.
    4. Convey Mood and Lighting:
      Mood alters perception. A somber chiaroscuro or a vibrant sunlit scene? Your choice of lighting and mood provides emotional context to the portrait.
    5. Perspective and Composition Matter:
      Just like in photography, te angle and framing are pivotal. A close-up might convey intimacy, while a wide angle could portray the subject in relation to their surroundings.

    Examples to Illustrate the Tips

    1. A Young Violinist in the Spotlight:
      "Create a hyper-realistic portrait of a young Asian woman, a violinist, with delicate features and long black hair tied up in a bun. She is wearing a black dress and has a focused expression with her eyes fixed intently on the violin. The bow is gripped gently in her right hand. She is positioned against a soft backlight that casts a subtle glow around her silhouette, highlighting the gentle movement of her bow arm and the gleaming strings of the violin."
    2. Futuristic Street Vendor's Charm:
      "Craft a hyper-realistic image of a Black man with short curly hair and a bright smile, dressed as a futuristic street vendor. His stands in front of a stall filled with neon-lit gadgets and futuristic food items, with a bustling marketplace in the background. The atmosphere is electric, with a multitude of people and holographic signs advertising various wares, capturing the vibrant exxence of a cyberpunk market scene."
    3. Renaissance Beauty in a Grand Library:
      "Generate a hyper-realistic image of a Hispanic woman with long wavy brown hair, dressed in an elaborate Renaissance gown. She is posed with a thoughtful expression, holding an open book in one hand. The setting is a grand, dimly lit library with rows of ancient books. Warm light from a nearby window streams across her face, creating a contrast of light and shadow that gives depth to her enigmatic smile and the rich textures of her gown."

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    Concluding Thoughts

    As we venture further into the possibilities of generative AI, the blend of art and techhnology opens up a new frontier for creativity. By mastering the art of detailed prompts, setting the scene, and understanding the nuances of mood, lighting, and composition, you can bring any human image to life with a realism that rivals traditional portraiture. Whether for porfessional projects or personal pleasure, the power to create is now more accesible than ever. Dive in, and let the AI be your canvas, your pen, and your brush all at once.

    2023.11.29 - [분류 전체보기] - Creating Commercial Images with AI: Blending People and Cities


    Creating Commercial Images with AI: Blending People and Cities

    Welcome to the cutting-edge world of digital artistry, where generative, where geerative AI is revolutinizing commercial image creation. Our blog, 'Creating Commercial Images with AI: Blending People and Cities, ' introduces this groundbreaking approach. I




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